This was an incredible day of firsts, not just for me, but for the other ladies making up the team of guns: It was my first game day where 100% of the team of guns were ladies. My first game day where I knew no one else before I arrived, but left having made some amazing friends. My first ever game day where I was alongside experience shots and complete beginners, one of which shot her first-ever game bird, a privilege to see. The day was wonderful, considering I was nervous on my way, when I met all the other guns, I felt instantly relaxed and knew I was in for a day to remember. The presentation of the birds from folly sporting were fantastic, ranging from some easier birds for the beginners so some testing highflyers for the more experienced shots. After the incredible day of sport and food, we all left with game birds from the day and pheasant sausages made by folly sporting – the perfect cherry on the cake. I only hope I get to experience a day like this again.