Hi, I’m Sarah and human slave to 5 working Cocker Spaniels, mainly featuring the complete poser of the pack Womble.

My love of these characterful happy spaniels has grown even more when I discovered the field trial world. My previous Cocker Burt, was my first insight into this world and we absolutely loved it!! Unfortunately, Burt unexpectedly passed away before we entered our first working test but we did manage to enter a BASC event and were hooked.

In lockdown, we were having a clear out at my main job and when all the rubbish was cleared, I discovered there was the potential for a fantastic shop and my brain went into overdrive!! I wanted to do something to honour Burt’s memory and remind myself of the wonderful happy times we had trained together and so paws@brooklyn began.

With the help of my wonderful Gundog Training friends we selected products that in our opinion, were the best on the market for sustainability and longevity and tired and tested by us.

I was incredibly lucky that Dog and Field and Sporting Saint were happy to let us be stockists for them initially and over the last 15 months we have expanded, so much so we moved to a new shop in the country!!

Our new shop located near Salisbury in Wiltshire is a little bit of heaven for me! We have lots of fully enclosed paddocks including a Gundog training field, and are holding our first scurry day on 18th December along with a local trainer!

Written by Sarah Street, Founder of Paws@Brooklyn